Essential Sales Checklist
A Quick Overview About Sales training
Essential sales skills
Even for experienced sales reps, training presents an opportunity to refresh basic sales skills.
The customer experience
Genuine empathy for customers is one of the most important traits any sales representative can cultivate.
Your products and market
Your sales training program should also include detailed information about your products and market.
Your sales process
Teaching new hires about your individual sales process is critical. If a new hire has previous sales experience, it’s likely that they’re using processes that differ from your own.
CRM training
Most people learn software best by doing, so provide trainees with multiple opportunities to use the software firsthand.
Team-building exercises
As your new hires learn the basics, include activities that will help them bond together as a team. Group exercises should be incorporated throughout the training.
Incentive your team
A thriving economy can make it harder to on board new team members. Unemployment rates have dropped to 4.3%, with recruiters reporting difficulty finding enough qualified candidates to fill positions.
Train with thought leaders
Take a look at the other people in your office and your industry who are natural leaders and speakers. Product and sales training workshops and simulations are just the first step in getting your team up and running.
Offer daily microtraining
Longer isn’t always better when it comes to learning. According to Shift Learning, learning in stretches of 3 to 7 minutes matches the working memory capacity and creates 50% more engagement.
Focus on a specialty
No one skill always closes the sale. In reality, sales reps lean towards specific skills and turn them into strengths. Instead of trying to build a uniform sales team, draw out their strengths and encourage them to specialize.
Assign a mentor
Assigning a mentor can make a big impact on your sales team and improve retention rates. Millennials planning to stay with their employer for more than five years are twice as likely to have a mentor (68%) than not (32%).
Offer more constructive criticism
Training isn’t just about going through systems and processes to establish best practices. A sales team that can handle constructive criticism is more willing to learn and improve on an ongoing basis.

Sales Training Programs by IRSHANT GAUTAM
During my years of practice providing sales training programs, courses to many reputed companies and businesses all over the world, I found that one thing is for certain: No matter how passionate a salesperson you may be, no matter how likable you are, if you can’t close the sale, your efforts yield nothing.
Early in my career, I struggled with closing leads. Then, I discovered what worked, and learned how to sell very well - turning more prospects into customers than ever before.
I experienced profound success -- breaking every record in my company and increasing my income twenty fold. Now, I pass my decades of proven experience to others as a sales trainer and success expert down to you.
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